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Dr S Shamasundar is the Promoter and Managing Director of ProSIM R&D Pvt Ltd. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science.

Over the past three decades he has evangelized usage of computer simulation technologies to design, validate, optimize products and processes.

He has been involved in the development of non-linear finite element analysis methods for large deformation (forging, extrusion, rolling etc.)

He has worked as :

  • A National Science Foundation (NSF-USA) sponsored research scholar at Drexel University;
  • A British council sponsored Academic Visitor At Imperial College London, and later a Research Fellow sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry, UK.
  • The prestigious National Research Council (NRC-USA) post-doctoral fellowship.
  • A Visiting Scientist at the Materials Research Lab of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (US Air Force).
  • An Adjunct Faculty, Wright State University, Dayton, USA.

Shamasundar has been invited to deliver lectures at various professional forums including ASME, SAE, ASM, SME, EuroForge, IMTMA (Indian Machine tool manufacturers’ association), IIF (Institute of Indian Foundrymen), CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce And Industry) .

He has published more than 45 papers in computational modelling. He is a recipient of the KSCST award, and the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP) award for young scientists.

At ProSIM, Shamasundar has created a centre for excellence in multi-disciplinary and multi-physics simulation environments to study the interaction of Design-Materials,Manufacturing, And Performance in an integrated manner. A dedicated leadership team has also been developed within ProSIM.

Shamasundar has delivered complex engineering projects for customers in India, Japan,the USA, Europe, And Gulf.

Dr Shamasundar has created expert interdisciplinary teams for structural integrity assessment of energy assets; for seismic qualification (using finite element analysis -FEA), for remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE), fitness for service (FFS) and engineering critical analysis (ECA). He has led several indigenization / localization projects for Indian defense sectors.

Shamasundar is the president of board of the governors of RGIPT, an institution of national importance under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG), Government of India. on the board of IIT Dharwad. He is associated with several universities and academic institutions.

His current interests are in energy transition, application of digitalization in energy sector, sustainability, and green energy.
