Piping Engineering & Pipeline Engineering

ProSIM is a leading engineering design service provider offering basic engineering service and detailed engineering service. ProSIM has been a preferred engineering outsourcing partner to many companies in USA, Europe, Gulf Countries, Japan and India. As a part of its engineering design service activities ProSIM offers first principle based design calculations, design documentation, provides onsite engineering consultancy. As part of its offshore engineering service, ProSIM has assisted customers to set up offshore development centers /offshore engineering development center.

ProSIM engineers are engaged in providing skid engineering service / skid design service to variety of industries; canopy design, analysis and optimization; design, analysis, code qualification and optimization of mechanical handling equipment and so on.

ProSIM is a preferred engineering design services and engineering outsourcing company that provides piping engineering services. ProSIM works as a piping engineering consultant in Bangalore. ProSIM provides piping related engineering services to host of industries including nuclear, oil and gas, off-shore, thermal power, bioenergy, and processing plants. ProSIM provides comprehensive engineering consultancy services during design stage with expertise in design, code check and qualification, analysis, and optimization and design documentation. During maintenance stage, ProSIM provides asset structural integrity assessment services, in-service inspection (ISI) services, remaining life assessment service and fitness for service (FFS), engineering critical analysis (ECA) services, and repair, reuse, retire judgement.

In piping engineering we have worked as preferred piping engineering consultants / piping design consultants/ pipe stress analysis consultants to do outsourced / offshored engineering work for operators, EPC contractors, system integrators, technology providers, and equipment suppliers and also as owners’ engineering consultants, and third-party reviewers. We have often been drafted as engineering experts in legal arbitrations.

In pipeline engineering services, ProSIM has worked on both onshore (above ground / surface pipeline and buried pipelines) and offshore pipelines, submerged pipelines, carrying crude or natural gas or processed crude products. We have developed design basis reports (DBR), reviewed DBRs, carried code check as per DNVGL codes, performed engineering critical analysis (ECA) of pipelines.

ProSIM team has skills and expertise in using software such as CAESAR-II, PEPS- (PIPESTRESS), CAEPIPE, etc. As per customer request, we have also used pipe elements in software such as ANSYS and ABAQUS to solve some unique problems. Our team has good background of 1D element topology of finite element analysis (FEA), used in pipe stress analysis. Our using our knowledge as needed we can create 3D FEA models of sections of piping and pipelines. We often use sub-modeling approach to combine 1D pipe FEA and 3D FEA models. We have developed necessary procedures for such complex exercise. ProSIM team is fully conversant with relevant international codes such as IS, ASME B&PV, (including ASME B31.1 -power piping, ASME B31.2-Fuel gas piping, ASME B31.3 -process piping), RCC, API, EN, ISO, DNVGL, etc., to carry out the design, analysis, and code check and qualification.

ProSIM has expertise to carry out pipe stress analysis of intricate pipelines used in energy utilities and processing industries. Various loadings such as dead weight, thermal and pressure loads; occasional loads such as wind, ice/snow, seismic, water hammer, steam hammer, ocean current loads are considered during analysis. Benefits of pipe stress analysis service from ProSIM are:

  • Design for safe & reliable operations,
  • Increase longevity of piping and equipment
  • Optimised piping layout
  • Optimsied piping supports, hangers, snubbers.
  • Quality engineering reports at short lead times.

ProSIM offers piping engineering services and pipeline engineering services in flexible business models for convenience of our customers.

  • Outsourced/ off-shored engineering services from our offices in Bangalore, India
  • Onsite consulting services with some resources of ProSIM stationed at customer locations
  • Hybrid models with combination of on-site and outsourced model to give maximum advantage to customers

Piping Engineering

1. Design & Engineering

  • Pipe Sizing, Pressure Drop Calculations, Detailed Engineering
  • Pipe layout preparations
  • Pipeline 2D/3D pipe modeling; re-routing,
  • Generation and updation of PiDs/ PFDs, 3D models
  • Supports & Hanger design, code check, evaluation and optimization
  • Anchorage & baseplate design, qualification, optimisation
  • Pipe Stress / Flexibility analysis
  • Seismic analysis and qualification
  • Piping GA and ISO extraction
  • Bill of Quantities (BoQ) extraction,
  • Material off-take preparation (MTO)

2. Structural Integrity Assessment Services of piping systems

  • Remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE) services of Piping
  • Fitness for service (FFS) of piping
  • Failure analysis (including weld failures);
  • Effects of damages such as corrosion, erosion, pitting, creep, fatigue, etc., on strength and stiffness of piping
  • Engineering judgement for repair / reuse / retire of assets

Weld failure assessment using finite element analysis (FEA).

Full 3D model of a skid based system

Simplified Piping Model

FE Modeling of piping

Sea Water Piping in a nuclear power plant

Diffuser Piping

Figure-1: Pipe modeling services @ ProSIM

Feed Water System pipelines

Hot reheat (HRH) and low pressure by pass pipe lines in a thermal power plant

Process Plant Pipe modeling

Process plant pipe modeling

Figure-2 A Complex Network of piping modeled and pipe stress analysis carried out. All supports, bolts, embedded parts designed by ProSIM

Figure-3 large network of pipelines with mechanical equipment

Figure-4: weld defect analysis- using sub-modeling (combining 1-D pipe elements and 3D elements in finite element analysis)

A Macro developed @ ProSIM for Anchor bolt design calculations

Anchor bolt design

Figure-4: Pipe Routing Optimization
