ProSIM is a “Go To” Company for nuclear power plant related engineering and consultancy services.

ProSIM has become the preferred partner for engineering outsoured / offshored and consultancy services from Bangalore India for nuclear power plant (NPP) related engineering. ProSIM has been working with all the nuclear entities in India, including Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL), Bhabha Atomic Energy Research Center (BARC); Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Nuclear Recycle Board (NRB), Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), ITER India etc. And many entities overseas. ProSIM provides services for safe and reliable design and operation of nuclear power plant (NPP) related systems, structures and components (SSCs). We are specialists in seismic evaluation / qualification by analysis. We apply our knowledge of finite element analysis (FEA), multi-physics simulation, and of nuclear design codes for seismic qualification. We qualify nuclear systems as per relevant geography specific nuclear codes / standards for design check.

ProSIM service offerings include

Seismic Analysis Services, finite element analysis (FEA) services, Floor Response Spectra (FRS) generation services, Skid engineering including design, including air crash (AC) analysis and air shock wave (ASW) analysis calculations, code qualification, and optimization.

Piping engineering services including

Pipe sizing and pressure drop calculations; piping layout design, pipe routing, piping optimization; piping modeling; design, code qualification of supports, anchor plats, bolts, embedded parts; pipeline integrity assessment service; pipe stress analysis service (pipe flexibility analysis) etc. for various packages and systems in a nuclear power plant; fitness for service (FFS) assessment, remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE services). ProSIM has worked as piping engineering and pipe stress analysis consultants to many vendors and EPC contractors for various nuclear power projects. ProSIM is an engineering design services company.

ProSIM partners with many engineering/ EPC companies outside India, to provide engineering consultancy services for global new build nuclear projects as well as ITER I/O projects.

ProSIM service offerings include Seismic Analysis Services, finite element analysis (FEA) services including air crash (AC) analysis and air shock wave (ASW) analysis calculations, Floor Response Spectra (FRS) generation services, Skid engineering services including design, code qualification, and optimization; piping engineering services including pipe sizing and pressure drop calculations; piping layout design, pipe routing, piping optimization, piping modeling, design, code qualification of supports, anchor plates, bolts, embedded parts; pipeline integrity assessment service, pipe stress analysis service (pipe flexibility analysis) etc., fitness for service (FFS) assessment, remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE services) etc

ProSIM Nuclear ecosystem offerings

Detailed Engineering, Pre-bid engineering Support including Seismic Design and engineering

ProSIM partners with EPC contractors, equipment makers, system integrators working on nuclear power plant projects to provide pre-bid engineering support, and detailed engineering.

Our detailed engineering offerings include Engineering calculations, sizing, layout design, preparation of PFDs/ PIDs/ ISOs, Skid based system design etc.

Design, code qualification, and optimization of supports, welds, anchorages, baseplate, embedded parts:

ProSIM has developed in-house procedures, macros, subroutines for design, code check and qualification, of anchor plates, embedded parts, base plates, mechanical equipment etc., to be used in a variety of nuclear systems. Using our expertise we have assisted our customers to get their systems designed, optimized and qualified as per operator/ regulatory requirements.

Seismic Analysis & Qualification

As a preferred seismic analysis consultant, ProSIM has delivered several hundreds of reports of seismic qualification using finite element analysis (FEA), to various nuclear power plant projects including a variety of systems, structures, components (SSCs). Seismic analysis and qualification have been carried out for a variety of valves, pressure vessels, reactors, tanks, vessels, piping, compressors, gear boxes, pumps, motors, skid based and standalone systems. ProSIM has assisted many customers to coordinate the seismic qualification by shake table testing, by definition of boundary conditions for testing; design of jigs and fixtures and analysis and documentation of test reports. ProSIM team has expertise in as per ASME B&PV, RCC, IEEE, PNAE and similar codes for nuclear applications

Pumps, motors and instruments in skid-based systems seismically qualified using finite element analysis (FEA)

Structural Analysis

ECCS Compressor of safety class 2 & Seismic category 1, used in Emergency core cooling System. Seismic Qualification by finite element analysis (FEA) done as per ASME Section III Division 1 Sub section NC & NF.
ProSIM was seismic analysis consultant for this system supplier, and carried out this job as an outsourced engineering & FEA service including skid design, analysis, qualification and optimisation

Air Crash (AC) analysis

ProSIM expertise includes all types of non-linear, and transient dynamic finite element analysis (FEA). FEA of impact, crash, blast type of analysis has been carried out for various applications. Regulatory frameworks call for Air crash and air shockwave (AC and ASW) analysis of nuclear systems. There are different types of finite element analysis based models developed to eliminate the physical prototyping/ testing. A shock damage rule for nuclear equipment is proposed. This is dependent on fragility of equipment, the shock damage propagation distance. Regulatory agencies prescribe values this shock damage propagation distance.

Air Crash Analysis of a tank using finite element analysis
Air Shock Wave (ASW) using finite element analysis method done on a vessel used in nuclear power plant

Seismic Re-evaluation

ProSIM has conducted several seismic re-evaluation of several systems, structures, and components (SSCs) of nuclear power plants including in research reactors. Such re-evaluations were demanded by atomic energy regulators, due to change in safety classes, and regulatory mechanisms

Several cells involving several hundreds of equipment and vessels, complex network of pipelines supports, and anchorages, in multiple buildings as shown above are modeled at ProSIM. Finite element analysis (FEA) has been carried out including high pressure high temperature conditions. Seismic Analysis service provided by ProSIM as an engineering & design consultancy service provider.

Seismic Margin Assessment

Seismic Margin Assessment is carried out for NPP structures, piping, equipment to determine the probability of failure. The same is carried out as per regulatory framework of atomic energy regulatory board or such regulatory bodies.

Floor Response Spectra (FRS) generation

ProSIM has developed FRS for buildings and structures in a nuclear power plant, subsequently to be used for seismic analysis. ProSIM has developed methods acceptable to NPP operators and nuclear regulators to develop the model of buildings/ structures, conduct model based analysis and generate FRS for various elevations of the structure.

Piping Engineering

As part of engineering design services and engineering outsourcing activity, ProSIM provides variety of activities related to piping engineering services. It includes pipe sizing calculations, pressure drop calculations, sizing, selection, and spacing of supports, as per ASME codes, pipe modeling (2D and 3D) service, pipe stress analysis service (pipe flexibility analysis), pipe routing and pipe line optimization service, pipeline integrity service, piping GA and ISO extraction, BoQ extraction and MTO preparation.

Pipe modeling, routing, and optimization
Piping modeling is done as per the isomeric drawing

Pipe stress analysis (flexibility analysis)

Pipe stress / flexibility analysis is carried out as per ASME Sections. As pipe stress analysis consultants, ProSIM provides comprehensive range of piping engineering and design services, we carry out design, analysis, code qualification welds, supports, anchor plates, bolts, piping lay out design etc. PoSIM has expertise in dynamic analysis of piping for seismic analysis and qualification

  • Pipe GA and ISO extraction
  • BoQ Extraction and MTO
  • Design calculations (sizing, pressure drop, temperature drop, load etc)
Pressure drop calculation has been carried out for different systems using Hazen-Williams method.

Design check, code qualification, finite element analysis (FEA) of static equipment – pressure vessels, heat exchangers, reactors, etc
Design check, Code qualification & FE Analysis id done for various equipment’s like Vessels, Heat Exchangers are performed as per ASME Sec VIII Div1,2 & ASME Sec III NB, NC, ND & NF.

Design check , code qualification, finite element analysis (FEA) of rotary equipment – pumps, compressors, motors, gear box, etc.
Plant layout and 3D modeling

  • PID generation, review, updation
  • P&ID review:
  • Line Numbers
  • Designations to the services
  • Reputation of the numbers
  • Equipment Numbers
  • HVAC calculations
  • Skid engineering – design, code check, qualification, FEA and optimisation

Skid base frame design and Analysis. Loads and load combinations were considered as per ASCE 7-16 by ASD method.
Structural Integrity Assessment:
  • Structural Analysis (using finite element method- FEA)
  • Remaining life assessment and extension services (RLA/ RLE)

FFS Analysis is done for various equipment’s like weldolet, Heater Tube, Flash Tower and etc. The equipment’s are checked for their structural integrity as per code ASME Sec VIII, Div-2.
Study of effect of damage (due fatigue, creep and corrosion etc) on fitness for purpose
FE Analysis of Vertical Heat Exchanger. Corroded portions captured grid wise above the upper ring and qualified the equipment corrosion thickness as per ASME Sec VIII Div-2.
  • Repair and reuse; retire judegement based on engineering critical analysis (ECA)
  • Analysis based support to In-Service Engineering (ISI)

Nuclear Waste Disposal and Recycling

  • Design and development of special purpose spent fuel handling equipment
  • Design of test apparatus for nuclear waste disposal systems
  • Computational modeling and analysis of deep geological disposal systems
  • Cask design, analysis, modeling and simulation

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and multi-physics Simulations

  • Linear Static FEA
  • Non-linear FEA (large plastic deformations, multiple body contacts, non-linear buckling, etc
  • Dynamic analysis
    • Modal, harmonic FEA
    • Frequency response / response spectra
    • Transient dynamic shock, sine, bump FEA analysis
    • Random vibrations FEA
    • Impact, blast, crash, drop test simulation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    • Pressure drop, velocity and temperature gradients
    • Multi-phase flow
    • Conjugate heat transfer
    • Fluid structure interaction (FSI)
  • Electro-magnetic analysis)
  • Materials and Damage modeling (FEA based) and analysis
    • Creep, fatigue, creep-fatigue interaction using FEA
    • Crack growth analysis (numerical fracture mechanics using FEA)
    • Failure analysis (using limit load finite element analysis), Root Cause Analysis
  • Engineering Support Services
    • 2D/ 3D CAD models
    • Manufacturing drawing generation
    • Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) support services (meshing, boundary conditions and deck setting, pre-processing)
    • MEP design and drawings
    Following Items are delivered with support of our partner network
  • RCC and Steel Structures
    • Foundation design, soil-structure interaction
    • Structural design and engineering
    • Finite element analysis and optimization of structures
  • Digitalisation
    • IIoT Implementation
    • Edge computing, and cloud implementation
    • AI/ ML based model development and fine tuning
    • Digital Twins
    • Predictive analytics
    • Prescriptive models development based on analytics

ProSIM experience in various packages of nuclear power plants (NPP) - covering several systems, structures, and components – SSCs.

ProSIM has worked on multiple packages of a nuclear power plant covering a variety of

  • Mechanical systems and equipment
  • Piping
  • Electrical
  • Control and instrumentation
  • Structures (RCC and steel)

Packages/ Systems

Mechanical Engineering Packages

  • Nuclear Ventilation
  • Balance of turbine island Package -(BOTIP)
  • Plant Water System
  • Common Services
  • Waste Management Services
  • Material Handling Systems
  • Upgrading Waste Management
  • Fire fighting systems
  • Chiller, HVAC Package, cooling tower
  • Electro-chlorination system
  • Duct package
  • Sea water systems
  • Hydrogen and oxygen separation systems
  • Primary Piping Package (PPP)
  • Nuclear Ventilation
  • Balance of turbine island package -(BOTIP)
  • Common Services

Piping and structures

  • Piping Systems
  • Instruments - Thermowells, Gauges
  • Piping Supports
  • Structures (Steel & RCC)
  • Foundation
  • Pumps
  • Chimneys
  • Buildings

Mechanical Equipment

  • Pressure Vessels / Tanks
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Custom Design Equipment
  • Valves
  • Fire Fighting Systems
  • Dampers
  • Support Systems For all Equipment
  • Skids and skidbased systems
  • Mechanical Handing Equipment
  • Rotary Equipment (pumps, compressors, blowers, gear box, motors, generators, etc)

Special Independent Packages

  • Steam Generator
  • Pressurizers
  • Reactor Headers
  • Heat Exchangers
  • V Coolant Channels
  • Reactor Equipment
  • Instrumentation
  • Turbine Package
  • Field Instrumentation

Electrical, C & I

  • Complete DG set with alternator, Transformers, Battery Chargers and Inverters, Motor control centers, Low & Medium Voltage Switchgear, Distribution Modules, Motors Generators. ducts, cable trays,
  • Instrumentation and Control Panels, Instruments On rocks, bus bar ducts, Cable trays, Battery Stands, Relay Panel Structures, Etc.
  • Switchyard package

Structures ( RCC and Steel Structures)

  • Structures (Steel & RCC)
  • Foundation
  • Chimneys
  • Buildings


  • Knowledge, Competence & insights
    • One of the primary reason our customers prefer ProSIM is our competence. Expertise in engineering, skills in CAE, FEA and computer simulations,
    • Knowledge of nuclear codes such as ASME B&PV, RCC, PNAE, IEEE, etc., proven abilities in handling class 1, 2, and 3 components (of different safety classes)

  • Deep Exposure With Nuclear Entities
    • ProSIM has worked with department of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) entities including operators such as NPCIL, BHAVINI, R&D organization such as BARC, IGCAR, NRB, BRIT, ITER India; regulatory bodies such as AERB; facilities such as nuclear fuel complex (NFC), heavy water board (HWB) etc; and their EPC contractors such as BGR, Dodsal, GE, L&T, BGR Energy, Reliance, Punj Lloyd etc; system Integrators such as Kirloskar, Core Energy and several Dozens of tier-2/tier-3 vendors.
    • Prosim has worked on projects for ITER I/O, and International Companies such as AMEC FW, Assystem, PowerSys, JSOL, Zentech, etc
    • ProSIM has been a part of World Nuclear Association(WNA) for rationalization of codes and Standards, is connected with international nuclear community.

  • Well oiled project management practice (PMP) and quality management system (QMS)
    • o Over past decades of experience, ProSIM has developed and is continuously fine tuning, the project management processes, that identify and mitigate the risks for ProSIM and for customer, as well as end user. Our quality management system ensures, that errors are detected in early stages of project execution.

  • In-house developed Intellectual Property (IP) assets
    • To increase productivity, reduce human errors, ProSIM has developed several intellectual property assets in the form of SoPs, Check lists, Micros, subroutines, etc.


Practically all the stake holders in nuclear supply chain ecosystem are potential ProSIM customers. In India, they already are customers of ProSIM:

  • Nuclear Power Plant Operators
  • Nuclear R&D establishments
  • Nuclear regulatory bodies
  • EPC contractors
  • Maintenance /ISI Contractors of nuclear power plants (NPP)
  • System Integrators
  • Tier-1/ tier-2 vendors; component suppliers
