
Vibration Analysis using FEA:
Correlation With Hand Calculations and Tests

20th-21st April 2022

Venue: ProSIM, Ring Road, Peenya, Bangalore
(Seminar is offered in Hybrid Mode. Physical attendance or on-line participation)

ProSIM participated in the Nuclear Energy Conference in Mumbai, March 2025.


Dr. S. Shamasundar, Managing Director of ProSIM, was invited as a panelist to share his insights and experiences at the conference.
Dr. Shamasundar made plea to create a nuclear ecosystem in India from EPCs to system integrators, equipment makers and component suppliers. He suggested to create dynamic models that can estimate the costing of power output of nuclear power plants including SMRs.

CHEMTECH foundation in collaboration with Indian Nuclear Society (INS) and with support of Ministry of Power (Government of India) organized a conference on Nuclear Power, as part of their world expo 2025. Dr V K Saraswat, member NITI Aayog, and Dr R B Grover, Homi Bhabha Chair at HBNI delivered keynote lectures. Conference was attended by many private players trying to set up nuclear power plants, EPCs and supplier base of nuclear ecosystem in India. Dr S Shamasundar, Managing Director, ProSIM was invited as a panelist to share his views and experience in the conference.

Download Registration form : Registration Form

Why this seminar?

Vibration Analysis using FEA has become a common engineering practice across all industry verticals. Often, these analyses have to be correlated with test results.Seminar will address some of the ‘issues’ that concern designers and FEA analysts.

Designer’s Issues:

  • How to design for appropriate strength and stiffness?
  • How do I avoid resonance hotspots in design?
  • How do I validate design?
  • How to optimize design?

FEA analyst’s Issues:

  • How can I verify the FEA models?
  • How confident on my FEA results?
  • How to get my models correct?

What Happens in the Seminar?

  • Lectures and interactions with expert speakers
  • Close interaction between peers from other industries
  • Hand calculations of vibration analysis
  • Quizzes
  • Case studies of vibration analysis and correlation; discussion on problems faced during correlation.

Who Should Attend the Seminar?

  • Design engineers who want to understand vibration analysis using FEA.
  • FEA analysts who want to deepen their knowledge.
  • Vibration testing engineers who want to understand how finite element analysis of vibration works.

For Program details visit:
Or contact: 9900068074

Some of the sessions include:

  • Terminology – Definitions
  • Introduction to vibration – free, forced, damped/ undamped, DoF
  • Modes and mode shapes
  • CAE – model preparation for vibration, common mistakes
  • FEA – vibration analysis using finite element; case studies
  • Vibration analysis workshop (with hand calculations of vibration analysis problems)
  • Types of dynamic FEA – modal, harmonic, transient, sine, bump, shock; case studies
  • Noise -
  • Vibration – measurement, standards, techniques, Alignment- coupling, Vibration diagnostic charts – ISO22096 –
  • Quizzes
  • Correlation of vibration FEA + Hand Calculation
  • Correlation of FEA + Test results; problems in correlation


Dynamic Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is essential for both design verification and optimization. It encompasses a range of applications, including routine mode shape and displacement calculations, impact and crash analysis, transient dynamics, and vibration-induced fatigue. FEA analysts perform these analyses to ensure that the design meets its intended functional requirements.

Designers must rely on the results provided by FEA analysts to verify that these requirements are fulfilled. This reliance raises several critical questions that analysts need to address:

  • How can we create robust FEA model?
  • How best can we capture the physical reality in our FE model?
  • How do we validate our FE models using analytical, closed form solutions?
  • How to check and control the quality of our Finite element models?
  • How do we impose confidence and defend our dynamic FEA report?
  • …. And many more


Workshop is aimed to give practising FEA engineers

  • theoretical inputs
  • tips for best practices in doing dynamic finite element analysis
  • identify common mistakes and methods to avoid the same
  • methods to validate the dynamic FEA results using analytical methods
  • to provide a platform for interaction between users, experts.


  • Basics of Vibration, single and multi DoF systems, resonance, vibration isolation and damping
  • Hand Calculation of vibration problems and comparison with FEA
  • Basics of FEA dos and don’ts, quality control of FE models
  • Modal analysis, mode shapes, harmonic analysis
  • Transient dynamic analysis, time history problems sine, shock, bump, blast analysis
  • Impact, crash and drop analysis
  • PSD and FFT
  • Comparison of FEA with vibration measurements
  • Vibration induced fatigue
  • Conceptual FEA model building and development

WORKSHOP Methodology & benefits of participation

Highly interactive workshop will have a combination of the following.

  • Lectures by experts with decades of experience
  • Solving problems by analytical methods for FE validation
  • Quizzes
  • Group exercises / workshop on
    • Creation of conceptual models
    • Prescription of Boundary conditions
  • Problem definition and problem solving
  • FE model validation by first principles
  • Quizzes and Test
  • Planned follow up initiatives
    • Creating a whatsapp group and email group for technical interactions

Who can participate?

All engineers and analysts who are engaged or interested in finite element analysis can participate.

The WORKSHOP will NOT be based on any specific software platform. Users of all commercial or open source FEA software tools can participate.

Workshop will NOT be aimed at any particular industry vertical. Engineers from all verticals including automotive, aerospace, railways, defence, nuclear energy, thermal power, wind, medical equipment, electrical and electronics and can participate


  • Workshop will be intensive and is expected to be of 10-12 hours (or more!!) each day.
  • Workshop will not be based on any particular FEA software.
  • Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops with FE software of their choice to solve simple FE problems
  • Emphasis will be on understanding the physical problem and creating a conceptual model and elimination of defects and errors in finite element model creation.


ProSIM is a collaborative R&D and engineering services company with a focus on simulation technology. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and other simulation techniques, ProSIM has delivered high value solutions to complex engineering problems across various verticals. ProSIM has been working on complex applications such as seismic evaluation of nuclear power plant structures and components, structural integrity assessment of energy assets, remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE) of thermal power plant systems, fitness for service (FFS) of oil and gas assets, optimisation of automotive, electrical, aerospace systems (weight reduction, performance enhancement), thermal management of electronic systems and electronic packaging, localization and indigenisation of defence systems and so on.

This workshop is conducted by ProSIM to increase the awareness of the simulation technologies among users simulation technology across various industry verticals.
