Structural Analysis of Ariel work platform

Engineering design service for Ariel work platforms
ProSIM works and is an engineering services provider for heavy machinery such as Ariel work platforms. Such projects are taken up as engineering outsourcing under offshore engineering service business model of ProSIM. ProSIM executes FEA simulation based projects for heavy machinery industry providing project outsourcing CAE service and Ansys onsite placement service to customer under the Master service agreement (MSA).
Ariel work platform, also called elevating work platform, is utilized for performing work at different elevations. The vehicle provides a lifting mechanism using boom system to perform functions in inaccessible areas, usually at height. They are used in mining, construction, power and industrial applications.
Structural validation of Ariel Work platform is performed using FEA simulations for different loading and orientation conditions as per design requirements. ProSIM has executed multiple projects for structural validation of AWP as CAE consultant. The structural validation includes each part of the AWP assembly as follows:
- Jib assembly
- Boom assembly
- Riser arm assembly
- Swing arm chassis
For each assembly, design verification, fatigue evaluation and design optimization are performed as per customer requirements.
ProSIM also provides custom trained engineers for contract based onsite placement at customer location. Onsite engineers are trained specifically on customer products and offerings and simulation methods and techniques used by them. A rigorous training and skill implementation mechanism has been developed by ProSIM to ensure engineers facing initial assessment from customer are fully aware of the requirements and qualify for onsite placement. Upon successful placement and MSA, the engineers are further observed and trained to ensure best practices are followed as per customer work culture so that output efficiency remains optimum
ProSIM trains engineers in analysis, piping and meshing based on customer requirements with a robust curriculum and competitive selection criteria. ProSIM has successfully placed skilled engineers in multiple client locations thereby minimizing the client’s overheads, their recruitment efforts and bringing them up to speed.