Seismic Qualification Service from ProSIM Nuclear Seismic Analysis and Nuclear Seismic Evaluation for NPPs
ProSIM provides a variety of engineering, consultancy and R&D services to various sectors. ProSIM Management team brings about 150 years of experience with advanced degrees (PhD/ Masters), and working with different research institutions globally and working with multinational majors.
ProSIM services are categorized as below:
- Seismic Analysis, code check and qualification especially for nuclear power sector
- Design Verification, design optimization using computer aided engineering (CAE), finite element analysis (FEA), and multi-physics simulations
- Structural Integrity Assessment including fitness for service (FFS), remaining life assessment and extension (RLA/RLE)
- Basic and detailed engineering
- Piping and pipeline engineering
Some details of services delivered by ProSIM to nuclear sector, globally are given below.
- Seismic Analysis, code check and qualification especially for nuclear power sector
ProSIM is a thought leader and market champion in this area. In India, ProSIM has worked with Department of atomic energy entities such as NPCIL (nuclear power corporation of India), BARC (Bhaba Atomic Energy Research Center), IGCAR (Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research), NRB (nuclear recycle board), Heavy Water Board (BWB), etc.
ProSIM has more than 2 decades of experience working with nuclear entities across the world providing FEA seismic qualification services. As a renowned FEA seismic qualification agency, ProSIM has provided FEA seismic qualification consultants to customers world over. Expert FEA seismic consultants of ProSIM conduct the design verification using finite element analysis or pipe stress analysis; verify with the codes, and suggest modifications to the design to enable code qualification. These services are offered either as engineering services outsourcing model or onsite engineering services (or onsite engineering placement service)
As an expert nuclear seismic qualification agency, ProSIM conducts nuclear seismic analysis. ProSIM provides seismic analysis service using variety of international codes / standards such as ASME, RCC, PNAE, IEEE and so on. For seismic analysis FEA service, ProSIM uses commercial Finite element analysis tools such as Ansys or uses open source software such as CODE ASTER.
As seismic design consultants ProSIM provides comprehensive seismic qualification services including FEA seismic qualification and seismic qualification by shake table testing using third parties in ProSIM network. Seismic analysis consultants of ProSIM work closely with the tier-1/tier-2 vendors of nuclear ecosystem, and coordinates with the EPC contractors, operators and also regulators as needed, to ensure nuclear seismic evaluation is done successfully.